Searching for Jonathan Millican - 1 results.

1. We Will Remember Them
Jonathan Millican

Duration: 2'30"
Ensemble: children's choir piano
Grading: Easy
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This setting of a portion of Laurence Binyon's For the Fallen was written for the children of Norman Street School at the request of their teacher, and one of my best friends, Mr Adam Crewe, who wanted a contemplative and simple piece for his school choir.

There is a simple melody line accompanied by a piano part which later incorporates a portion of the Last Post, whilst the children sing the melody in 2 parts as a round.

We will remember them formed part of the commemoration services for Remembrance day in their local church, St Cuthbert's Carlisle, and was well received by the local parishioners and the vicar who requested it be performed again this year.

Although this piece is dedicated to my friend and Norman Street School, it is also most unreservedly dedicated to the brave souls who gave theirs for our freedom.

We will remember them!